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Great old Christmas commercial for Sprite. The jingle is catchy and fun. Enjoy! I Like The Sprite In You! 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Michelob AmberBock. Rich and Smooth.

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In addition to starring in Frito-Lay’s Super Bowl LV commercial with his brother Eli and dad Archie, Peyton Manning also appeared in Michelob ULTRA’s “Happy” ad Take the Quiz: TV Commercial Slogans. A quick trip through the catch phrases of TV commercials from the 1960s, 70s and 80s. A slogan, when done right, "sums up a company's strategy," she adds. Here are some of the most memorable and recognizable slogans and taglines in advertising history.

2016-07-19 Considering the size and long history of this industry, there’s no shortage of snappy slogans on the subject.

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Part of me would like to toss one of these off for the opportunity to passive-aggressively impugn the character of all those who have displeased me—“Vodka and Diet Dr Pepper is for liars Below is a list of Best & Famous commercial slogans and taglines of famous companies. Companies are using these slogans for marketing products and services. Famous Commercial Slogans – Nike – Just Do It Reebok – Because life is not a spectator sports Bold detergent – Part of the fabric of […] “ The King of Beers” (Budweiser, late 1800s) Since the 16 century, the beer brewed in Budweis – the … Slogans: The Coldest Tasting Beer In The World (for Coors Light) It won't slow you down (Light) This is our Beer (Light) Turn it loose!

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A slogan, when done right, "sums up a company's strategy," she adds. Here are some of the most memorable and recognizable slogans and taglines in advertising history.
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Discover Michelob ULTRA, a low carb & low calorie light beer. The following is a list of popular  A buck well spent ( Springmaid Sheets advertising slogan ); A girl with ( Listerine Mouthwash advertising slogan ); Oh, Pretty Woman ( Roy Orbison song ); Old maid Weekends were made for Michelob ( Michelob Beer advertising sloga 'You've come a long way, baby, to get where you've got to today'. Virginia Slim cigarettes. 61.4%.

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Drycker. Drinkar. Choklad.