Kategori: Svenske professorer - nowiki.org
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After beginning his studies at the university, he became the student of the well-known professor Johan Jacob Döbelius. Kilian Stobæus (1690 - 1742) was a Swedish physician, natural scientist, and historian. He offered a young Carl Linnaeus tutoring and lodging, as well as the use of his library, which included many books about botany. Kilian Stobæus Meriter.
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He also gave the student free admission to his lectures. In his spare time, Linnaeus explored the flora of Skane, together with students sharing the same interests. Kilian Stobaeus was an appreciated and dedicated teacher, who used his collections as a didactic tool in his empirically oriented lectures. His large house, close to the Cathedral, had twenty extra rooms, which he rented to students. Some of the students even received access to his library and collections. Killian Stobaeus (1690-1742) föddes i Vinslöv i en släkt som länge haft anknytning till Lunds universitet. Inte mindre än fem professorer vid universitetet har burit detta namn.
S:s far Jöns S (1667–1734) var son till sjötullinspektören i Ystad Zacharias S, en bror till S 1. Författare.
Kilian Stobæus d.ä. och hans brefväxling. - Antikvariat.net
Vid sidan av 15 december 1714 i Lund, var en dansk-svensk hävdaforskare och latinsk skald, far till Lorentz Kristoffer Stobée och Nils Stobæus, farbror till Kilian Stobæus. Kilian Stobæus ' arbeten och verksamhet visa , hvilken stor betydelse för historieforskningen det haft , att en tränad naturforskare griper in med sin metod och Något nött samtida skinnband, ryggen med upphöjda bind, bläckfläck på övre kapitäl.
Pressinbjudan: Kilian Stobaeus bibliotek - utställning Lunds
(1690-1742) vilken anses vara den In 1735, professor Kilian Stobaeus donated his collections to Lund University laying the foundation for the university’s first museum. The ”Museum Stobaeanum” contained over 3000 natural history, historical and ethnographic objects typical of the cabinets of curiosity. This richly illustrated book is the first comprehensive history of these collections.Eighteen chapters, written by an Kilian Stobæus henviser til: Kilian Stobæus den ældre (1690–1742) – svensk læge, professor i Lund; Kilian Stobæus den yngre (1717–1792) – svensk læge, professor i Lund; Dette er en artikel med en flertydig titel. Det vil sige en artikel, der alt efter betydning henviser til … For just over 350 years, Lund University has educated students and created new knowledge. Below is a history of how it developed from a small provincial academy into a major international university with world-leading research. 2017-12-08 Kilian Stobæus studierte ab 1709 an der Universität Lund und promovierte dort 1721 zum Doktor der Medizin. 1728 wurde er in Lund Professor für Philosophie, Medizin und Naturgeschichte und von 1732 an auch für Geschichte.
1. Sydsven Medicinhist Sallsk Arsskr. 1972;9:121-30.
Anna adolfsson iva
y. Den femte Professorn i Lund af denna slägt och med detta namn, var den minst ansedde af Stobæernc. Ilan var son af Jöns Stobæus, Juslitie-Borgmäslare i Malmö, hvars fader Zacharias Stobæus, Inspector vid Sjötullen i Ystad, var en af Hr Jönses i Stoby fjorton söner. Kilian Stobæus d.
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Kilian Stobæus (76 words) no match in snippet view article find links to article Kilian Stobæus (1690 - 1742) was a Swedish physician, natural scientist, and historian. He offered a young Carl Linnaeus tutoring and lodging, as well
100 1 _ ‡a Stobæus, Kilian, ‡d 1717-1792 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (9) 400 0 _ ‡a Kilian Stobæus ‡c schwedischer Arzt und Geburtshelfer
the magnolias stands the bust of Kilian Stobaeus the elder (1690–1742), who lectured in medicine, botany, physics, chemistry, geology, palaeontology and his - tory, while at the same time maintaining an extensive medical practice.
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Kilian Stobaeus d. ä. och hans brefväxling - Google böcker, resultat
ä. och hans brefväxling. [Carl M Fürst] Home.
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Kilian Stobæus - Unionpedia
The ”Museum Stobaeanum” contained over 3000 natural history, historical and ethnographic objects typical of the cabinets of curiosity.